Ask Our Experts...
Below are our articles on the subject of Ask Our Experts. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Are Immigrant Carers Entitled to Housing Benefit?
Find out about help with housing costs if you have a live-in carer or need occasional overnight care....

Can I get Funding to Build a Flat for my Brother?
What help is available to adapt your home for a disabled resident?...

Disabled: Can I Claim Funding for a Cooker?
Find out the funding that's available to buy independent living equipment, such as an oven....

Funding for Independent School Due to Deafness?
Find out about the funding available to help with a deaf child's education costs....

Live-in Full Time Carer
Thinking of employing a carer? Find out what your responsibilities are....