Funding Options for Care of Elderly or Disabled Relatives...
If you care for an elderly relative, are unable to look after yourself, or you support a disabled relative, this site explains the financial options open to you. You'll find detailed advice and information on the financial help that's available to assist with the costs of caring.
July's Most Popular Articles...
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Ask Our Experts
Ask Our Experts: Funding for Independent School Due to Deafness?, Are Immigrant Carers...
Care For Yourself
Care For Yourself: Disability Living Allowance, Help with Equipment and Living...
Case Studies
Case Studies: Caring For An MS Sufferer: A Case Study, Caring for Someone With...
Disability Care
Disability Care: Respite Assistance Availability and Funding, Help for the Families of...
Elderly: Tips on Choosing a Care Home, Will My Family Have to Pay for My...
FAQs: Will New White Paper on Welfare Reform Affect Carers?, Choosing a...
Financial Planning
Financial Planning: What You Need to Know About the Carer's Allowance, Care Costs:...
Foster Caring
Foster Caring: How Much Will I Get Paid to Be a Foster Carer?, Caring for Someone...
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